bonsai tree tesco
Bonsai Tree - Tesco Groceries
Wee Trees Bonsai Help Forum Tips for AllBonsai Help Novice Forum to Expert. You will be able to find answers to the most frequent questions about bonsai care in our tables. If you don't ask the question, someone will know the answer. Wee Trees Bonsai Help Forum Tips for All It is currently 12 Apr 2021, 17:17 » All times are UTC [ DST ] » » All times are UTC [ DST ] Page 1 of 7 [65 posts] 1, , , , , , ... 1, , , , , , ... Silence Silence Author Message Penny Ann Subject: Published: 03 Oct 2018, 21:25 Joined: 01 Jan 2016, 16:31Posts: 561Location: Hythe, Hampshire, I just read in another Bonsai forum that Tesco has discontinuated that it is low dust cat trash? I also read that pink sanicat is the best alternative, but it's more expensive. But you can buy something called HTS New industrial spill damper from the security slope, 30l for £15.95 out of eBay with free p curvap, which is the same thing as the pink sanicat. Penny Ann Subject: Published: 03 Oct 2018, 21:25 Post matter: Published: He joined:Posts:Location: I just read in another Bonsai forum that Tesco has discontinuated that it is low dust cat trash? I also read that pink sanicat is the best alternative, but it's more expensive. But you can buy something called HTS New industrial spill damper from the security slope, 30l for £15.95 out of eBay with free p curvap, which is the same thing as the pink sanicat. Gary Jones Mailing Subject: Published: 03 Oct 2018, 22:43 Brown belt (only and learned) Joined: 01 Jun 2015, 10:45Posts: 7178Location: Maidenhead, Berkshire They are also different sizes. Tesco LDCL is thinner and adapts to smaller trees, the sanicat is larger and adapts to larger trees and/or trees in development. Personally I am not so interested in cat trash more as I think you have too much water and lack the root penetrability properties of Akadama, although of course you can cultivate trees in it. I've tended to go find Molar when I try to save money in Akadama. _______________________ The art of making young trees look as old as their owners. Brown Belt - A wise and learned? This means I run a lot. More than 7k posts and counting - Did I say something useful? Gary Jones Mailing Subject: Published: 03 Oct 2018, 22:43 Post matter: Published: Brown belt (only and learned) He joined:Posts:Location: They are also different sizes. Tesco LDCL is thinner and adapts to smaller trees, the sanicat is larger and adapts to larger trees and/or trees in development. Personally I am not so interested in cat trash more as I think you have too much water and lack the root penetrability properties of Akadama, although of course you can cultivate trees in it. I've tended to go find Molar when I try to save money in Akadama. _______________________ The art of making young trees look as old as their owners. Brown Belt - A wise and learned? This means I run a lot. More than 7k posts and counting - Did I say something useful? Penny Ann Mailing Subject: Published: 03 Oct 2018, 22:54 Joined: 01 Jan 2016, 16:31Posts: 561Location: Hythe, Hampshire, So, what's the difference between grinding clay and cat sewer? I Googled Sanicat and says it's molar mud. Penny Ann Mailing Subject: Published: 03 Oct 2018, 22:54 Post matter: Published: He joined:Posts:Location: So, what's the difference between grinding clay and cat sewer? I Googled Sanicat and says it's molar mud. Gary Jones Subject: Published: 03 Oct 2018, 23:10 Brown belt (only and learned) Joined: 01 Jun 2015, 10:45Posts: 7178Location: Maidenhead, Berkshire I think CL is ground clay manufactured to meet a specific requirement (bath habits!). It seems to have more water than grinding straight (perhaps it is triggered somehow). In addition, it may have additives such as perfumes, deodorizers or even antibacterial added things. Like the people of Bonsai we are limited to the two brands mentioned for fear of additives on other brands that have been known to kill trees from time to time. Even with "safe" brands, water levels can, if not administered carefully, reduce oxygen levels by reaching the roots leading to lower growth and in the worst cases the root rots. Of course many have successfully cultivated their trees in CL and will tell you. It's not a bad substrate, it's not as good as some of the others. You don't see the tree of best professionals in CL to my knowledge. I prefer Akadama as it seems to get the best results (strong and thinner growth) but mix it with Molar when I'm saving money. _______________________ The art of making young trees look as old as their owners. Brown Belt - A wise and learned? This means I run a lot. More than 7k posts and counting - Did I say something useful? Gary Jones Subject: Published: 03 Oct 2018, 23:10 Post matter: Published: Brown belt (only and learned) He joined:Posts:Location: I think CL is ground clay manufactured to meet a specific requirement (bath habits!). It seems to have more water than grinding straight (perhaps it is triggered somehow). In addition, it may have additives such as perfumes, deodorizers or even antibacterial added things. Like the people of Bonsai we are limited to the two brands mentioned for fear of additives on other brands that have been known to kill trees from time to time. Even with "safe" brands, water levels can, if not administered carefully, reduce oxygen levels by reaching the roots leading to lower growth and in the worst cases the root rots. Of course many have successfully cultivated their trees in CL and will tell you. It's not a bad substrate, it's not as good as some of the others. You don't see the tree of best professionals in CL to my knowledge. I prefer Akadama as it seems to get the best results (strong and thinner growth) but mix it with Molar when I'm saving money. _______________________ The art of making young trees look as old as their owners. Brown Belt - A wise and learned? This means I run a lot. More than 7k posts and counting - Did I say something useful? Darreng Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 09:39 Orange Belt (wiring) Joined: 08 Jan 2018, 17:48Posts: 935 The ground clay sold as a litre of cat has an added perfume that does not differentiate trees and disappears very quickly. The reason that only the two molar clay brands are recommended for use by the bonsai enthusiasts is because they are the only two lithter cat brands available in this country that are molar clay. The ground clay is a particular type of diatomaceous soil that contains a quantity of clay, is calcined (the heat treated at a temperature below what we might call 'fire') such that, unlike clay or diatomaceous soil, it does not break down. Darreng Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 09:39 Post matter: Published: Orange Belt (wiring) He joined:Posts: The ground clay sold as a litre of cat has an added perfume that does not differentiate trees and disappears very quickly. The reason that only the two molar clay brands are recommended for use by the bonsai enthusiasts is because they are the only two lithter cat brands available in this country that are molar clay. The ground clay is a particular type of diatomaceous soil that contains a quantity of clay, is calcined (the heat treated at a temperature below what we might call 'fire') such that, unlike clay or diatomaceous soil, it does not break down. Bobby Lane Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 10:29 Brown belt (only and learned) Joined: 24 Mar 2013, 17:52Posts: 2901Location: SW London Gary Jones wrote: They are also different sizes. Tesco LDCL is thinner and adapts to smaller trees, the sanicat is larger and adapts to larger trees and/or trees in development. Personally I am not so interested in cat trash more as I think you have too much water and lack the root penetrability properties of Akadama, although of course you can cultivate trees in it. I've tended to go find Molar when I try to save money in Akadama. Most of your trees suffered this summer, Gary, maybe they'd do better in the Sanicat. personally ive found the opposite in my micro climate, I add some organics to my CL otherwise I think it dries very quickly, especially in a bonsai pot. Since many of mine are in training bowls, I don't have to add so much organic now. ps ive never tested the tesco material before Some of my trees: Bobby Lane Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 10:29 Post matter: Published: Brown belt (only and learned) He joined:Posts:Location: Gary Jones wrote: They are also different sizes. Tesco LDCL is thinner and adapts to smaller trees, the sanicat is larger and adapts to larger trees and/or trees in development. Personally I am not so interested in cat trash more as I think you have too much water and lack the root penetrability properties of Akadama, although of course you can cultivate trees in it. I've tended to go find Molar when I try to save money in Akadama. Most of your trees suffered this summer, Gary, maybe they'd do better in the Sanicat. personally ive found the opposite in my micro climate, I add some organics to my CL otherwise I think it dries very quickly, especially in a bonsai pot. Since many of mine are in training bowls, I don't have to add so much organic now. ps ive never tested the tesco material before Some of my trees: John Blanchard Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 11:32 Green Belt (Journeyman) Joined: 01 Apr 2012, 20:20Posts: 1144 The Tesco clergy holds a lot of water especially in winter when the breath decreases. __________Bonsai has never finished. They keep changing, I have to adapt and respond to them. It is a constant process of creative stimulants." Arihato. John Blanchard Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 11:32 Post matter: Published: Green Belt (Journeyman) He joined:Posts: The Tesco clergy holds a lot of water especially in winter when the breath decreases. __________Bonsai has never finished. They keep changing, I have to adapt and respond to them. It is a constant process of creative stimulants." Arihato. Red dog Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 13:07 Yellow Strap (learning still learning) Joined: 10 Aug 2016, 19:50Posts: 127Location: Dereham, Norfolk I also use Sanicat mixed with Akadama. I found that Akadama breaks down into a demoronation faster than Sanicat that seems to keep its structure longer. Every time I buy a fresh bag from Sanicat, I emptied it in some very large pond baskets and crossed it with a hose, this gets rid of any dust and the smell of perfume disappears. Red dog Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 13:07 Post matter: Published: Yellow Strap (learning still learning) He joined:Posts:Location: I also use Sanicat mixed with Akadama. I found that Akadama breaks down into a demoronation faster than Sanicat that seems to keep its structure longer. Every time I buy a fresh bag from Sanicat, I emptied it in some very large pond baskets and crossed it with a hose, this gets rid of any dust and the smell of perfume disappears. John Blanchard Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 13:16 Green Belt (Journeyman) Joined: 01 Apr 2012, 20:20Posts: 1144 I just bought some pumice that I'm going to deal with Sanicat. For me I've only used akadama as a superior dress, or lately I used it to relive a falcon to see if it's as magical as people say. Hawthorn is doing very well but short akadamas life and high price makes it prohibitive. __________Bonsai has never finished. They keep changing, I have to adapt and respond to them. It is a constant process of creative stimulants." Arihato. John Blanchard Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 13:16 Post matter: Published: Green Belt (Journeyman) He joined:Posts: I just bought some pumice that I'm going to deal with Sanicat. For me I've only used akadama as a superior dress, or lately I used it to relive a falcon to see if it's as magical as people say. Hawthorn is doing very well but short akadamas life and high price makes it prohibitive. __________Bonsai has never finished. They keep changing, I have to adapt and respond to them. It is a constant process of creative stimulants." Arihato. Loufada Mailing Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 16:30 Orange Belt (wiring) Joined: 06 Mar 2017, 18:40Posts: 986Location: Oxfordshire If a common recommendation is to mix Akadama, Lava Rock, Pumice and possibly Veolite in various proportions and sizes depending on your tree, would it be fair to assume that CL is rather a substitute for Pumice (and Veolite)? _______________ What do you mean, Bonsai? Those are my little friends... Loufada Mailing Subject: Published: 04 Oct 2018, 16:30 Post matter: Published: Orange Belt (wiring) He joined:Posts:Location: If a common recommendation is to mix Akadama, Lava Rock, Pumice and possibly Veolite in various proportions and sizes depending on your tree, would it be fair to assume that CL is rather a substitute for Pumice (and Veolite)? _______________ What do you mean, Bonsai? Those are my little friends... 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